Video Network

A video network is a digital platform or service that connects video publishers and advertisers, and that enables the distribution, management, and monetization of video content and advertising. A video network can be operated by a video publisher, an advertising agency, a technology provider, or an independent company, and it can offer different capabilities, such as content syndication, ad serving, audience targeting, analytics, or reporting. A video network can serve multiple video publishers, advertisers, or ad networks, and it can support different video ad formats, sizes, or standards, such as VAST, VPAID, or MRAID. A video network can generate revenue through different business models, such as CPM, CPC, CPA, or revenue share, and it can offer different services, such as ad sales, ad operations, or ad technology. A video network can be an important part of the video advertising ecosystem, and it can help to improve the reach, performance, or efficiency of video advertising.

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