Intelligent data collection at scale

> 10M

ads collected, processed, and made available for search.

~ 9K

unique ads per hour monitored with our intelligent crawling.

> 35K

advertiser run their campaigns through publishers we monitor.

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Intelligent crawling

We developed intelligent crawlers to simulate user behavior of thirty profiles, covering different demographic groups and interests. As display ad campaigns are also targeted based on technical characteristics, we also cover a wide range of devices(e.g., desktop vs. mobile ), preferred operating systems(e.g., iOS vs. Android ) and browsers(e.g., Chrome vs. Firefox ).

We collect data from the most visited news websites in the United Kingdom , Germany , France , Switzerland , Austria and Bulgaria . To account for location-based targeting, we strategically positioned our data collection infrastructure in the respective countries. Our high-availability cloud-based setup ensures that data is collected most accurately and without any sampling blind spots.

We can draw a comprehensive picture of the display advertising landscape with more than one hundred ad networks in our database. At the same time, our data collection procedure is agnostic to the display advertising network used to deliver a campaign, which makes the path of an ad creative through the advertising ecosystem transparent .

30 Profiles

>100 Publishers

6 Countries

>100 Ad Networks

Data processing

Our team of highly skilled data engineers and data scientists apply a wide range of data extraction methods, allowing us to monitor the campaigns of more than 35K advertisers. Our database holds data for over 3 million unique display ads and over xx unique video ads. While our data go back up to three years, our high-speed infrastructure also allows near real-time data processing and insights.

The data processing goes beyond the simple extraction of campaign statistics, such as the number of impressions for a given creative in a particular ad slot . When publishers use prebid to facilitate programmatic advertising and header bidding takes place to fill an ad slot, we can also extract individual bids and estimate ad spend and campaign budgets.

A big part of our data processing goes into categorizing and classifying display advertising campaigns. We extract the copywrite text of creatives to allow for efficient retrieval and search of advertisers, publishers, ad networks and ad creatives. We rely on well-established IAB content taxonomies to categorize advertisers into different industry segments , allowing fine-grained analysis and browsing. What is the intent of a given display ad campaign? Price , quality or time leadership? Using state-of-the-art machine learning and natural language processing methods, we uncover the intent of any ad creative.

> 35K Advertiser

> 3M Unique Ads

> 14K Video Ads

> 1M Programmatic Auctions

Actionable insights

The result of intelligent data collection and careful data processing are actionable insights for display ad campaign managers. To get the most of the data for our customers, we designed modern and user-friendly dashboards. Users can look at the data from different perspectives, i.e., grouped by publisher, advertiser and ad creative. You can filter by time period , geographic region , targeted user profiles , etc. You can assess the viewability of an ad creative across different publishers or the distribution of creatives by advertiser. As we constantly monitor the advertising landscape, you can use our dashboards to identify trends and seasonal patterns over time. For strategic media planning and buying, data freshness is the key . That is why statistics and analysis in our dashboards are updated almost in real-time, allowing you to take the right action to optimize your campaigns.

Do you need custom data collection?

We help you gather the data that suits your needs.

Let's crawl together

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Competitive analytics for display ads.

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