Mobile Rich Media Ad Interface Definitions (MRAID)

MRAID, or mobile rich media ad interface definitions, is a set of technical standards and guidelines that define how rich media ads should be delivered and displayed on mobile devices. MRAID was developed by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) to provide a common, standardized platform for mobile rich media ads, and to enable advertisers and publishers to create, deliver, and measure the performance of rich media ads on mobile devices. MRAID defines a set of APIs and protocols that enable rich media ads to interact with the mobile device and its native features, such as the camera, GPS, or accelerometer. MRAID also defines a set of ad formats and sizes that are optimized for mobile devices, and that are supported by most major mobile ad platforms and networks. MRAID is an important part of the mobile advertising ecosystem, as it enables advertisers to create engaging and interactive ads that can deliver value and relevance to mobile users.

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