Our Mission

Over the past decades, the display advertising landscape has evolved tremendously. Advertising companies developed fine-grained user profiles, which allowed them to improve personalized targeting. They developed algorithms to automatically generate ad creatives and allocated budgets which often leads to draining marketers' budgets. New bidding protocols (e.g., header bidding) have been introduced and affected how publishers monetize their ad slots. Improvements in internet speed led to the wide adoption of video ads, while ad blockers reshaped the traffic of websites by striving to make advertising acceptable and less intrusive. In such a complex environment, market research, media planning and buying have become increasingly complex since individuals and institutions are forced to operate with limited knowledge about the advertising landscape within their advertising bubble (AdBubble).

AdBubble helps media agencies and in-house marketing departments plan advertising campaigns by providing an overview of the display advertising landscape. AdBubble helps marketing managers and media buyers save time and effort in conducting thorough market research and competitor intelligence. We facilitate strategic planning tasks such as evaluating target audiences, designing ad creatives, purchasing ad space from chosen channels, negotiating costs and tweaking bids in motion to ensure that a maximum Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS) is achieved.


Matthäus Zloch and Dimitar Dimitrov GbR
Waisenhausgasse 7
50676 Cologne
Phone: +49 179 1475505
E-Mail: contact@adbubble.io

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Competitive analytics for display ads.

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