Consumer and Retail Industry Challenges

Seasonal and Trend Sensitivity

The retail industry is highly influenced by seasons, holidays, and trends. Advertisers must develop timely and relevant display campaigns that align with seasonal events and capitalize on current trends to capture consumer interest.

Product Variety and Rotation

Retailers often have diverse product offerings, and product lines may change frequently. Display ads must effectively showcase product variety, highlight promotions, and adapt to changes in inventory or product focus.

Showrooming vs. Webrooming

Consumers often engage in showrooming (browsing in-store and purchasing online) or webrooming (researching online and buying in-store). Advertisers must address these behaviors by creating campaigns that bridge the gap between online and offline shopping experiences.

Use our data to spy on competitors' strategies to overcome these challenges

> 10M

ads collected, processed, and made available for search.

~ 9K

unique ads per hour monitored with our intelligent crawling.

> 35K

advertiser run their campaigns through publishers we monitor.

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