
Reporting is a term used in the context of online advertising to refer to the process of collecting, analyzing, and presenting data and metrics about the performance and effectiveness of an advertising campaign. Reporting can include a wide range of metrics and dimensions, such as impressions, clicks, conversions, engagement, or other metrics, and can be used to evaluate the success and impact of an advertising campaign. Reporting can be an important part of an advertiser's media planning and buying strategy, as it can provide insight into the performance and effectiveness of their advertising efforts, and can help to optimize and improve their campaigns. Reporting can also be beneficial for publishers and platforms, as it can provide insight into the performance and value of their ad inventory, and can help to optimize and grow their relationships with advertisers. Reporting can be delivered in a variety of formats and through a variety of channels, such as dashboards, or other tools, and can be an important part of an advertiser's performance analysis.

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