Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB)

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) is a trade organization that represents the interests of the digital advertising industry. It is a global organization with headquarters in New York City and regional offices around the world.

The IAB's mission is to help drive the growth of the digital advertising industry by promoting best practices, providing education and resources, and advocating for the interests of its members. It serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas and information and works to ensure that the digital advertising industry is sustainable, innovative, and effective.

The IAB has a membership base that includes advertisers, publishers, ad agencies, and technology companies. It works with these industry participants to develop and promote standards, guidelines, and technologies that support the growth and development of the digital advertising industry.

Some of the key initiatives and activities of the IAB include:

  • Developing and promoting standards and guidelines for digital advertising, such as ad formats, ad sizes, ad placements, and ad targeting options.

  • Providing education and resources to industry participants, including research, data, and tools.

  • Advocating for the interests of the digital advertising industry and promoting the value of digital advertising to advertisers, publishers, and users.

Working with policymakers and regulators to ensure that the digital advertising industry operates in a transparent and sustainable manner.

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