Soft-Floor Price

A soft-floor price is a type of minimum price that is used in the context of advertising auctions or bidding. A soft-floor price is a minimum price that is set by the advertiser or publisher, and that is used as a guide or reference point for bidding. Unlike a hard-floor price, which is a fixed and non-negotiable minimum price, a soft-floor price is flexible and can be adjusted based on market conditions or other factors. In an auction, bidders can bid above or below the soft-floor price, and the winning bid will be the highest bid that meets or exceeds the soft-floor price. A soft-floor price can provide a way for publishers to set a minimum price for their inventory, while still allowing for flexibility and negotiation in the bidding process. This can help to ensure that advertisers and publishers receive a fair and competitive price for their inventory, while still allowing for market forces to determine the final price.

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