
Dayparting is the practice of scheduling advertising to run at specific times of the day or week. Dayparting is often used in television and radio advertising, where ads are broadcast at specific times to reach a particular audience. For example, an advertiser may choose to run their ads during the morning or evening news, when a large audience is likely to be tuned in.

Dayparting can also be used in online advertising, where ads may be scheduled to run at specific times or on specific days of the week. This can be useful for targeting specific audiences or for reaching users at times when they are more likely to be engaged with the content.

In addition to scheduling ads to run at specific times of the day or week, dayparting may also involve targeting specific demographics or interests. For example, an advertiser may use dayparting to target ads to users who are interested in sports, and may choose to run their ads during sports programming when those users are more likely to be watching.

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