Yield Optimization

Yield optimization is a process, a technique, or a strategy that is used in digital advertising to maximize the revenue, the profitability, or the return on investment of an advertiser, a publisher, or an ad network, by optimizing the allocation, the pricing, or the availability of the ad inventory, the ad placements, or the ad formats, based on the demand, the competition, or the value of the ad impressions, the ad clicks, or the ad conversions, in a specific ad auction, ad campaign, or ad marketplace. Yield optimization is often achieved through the use of algorithms, software, or platforms that use data, analytics, or machine learning, to analyze, to forecast, or to optimize the performance, the efficiency, or the effectiveness of the ad inventory, the ad placements, or the ad formats, in real-time, or in advance, in order to maximize the revenue, the profitability, or the return on investment of the advertiser, the publisher, or the ad network, based on the goals, the constraints, or the preferences of the advertiser, the publisher, or the ad network.

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